by Shelby Horton on 2016-11-18
REDLANDS>> President-elect Donald J. Trump's journey to the presidency has been one full of highs and lows as politics has been the main conversation among many young people since the election began.
On Thursday, Nov. 10, the University of Redlands held an administration-sponsored forum to create a safe and brave space for students, faculty and community members. The event was to allow members to have a safe space to express their feelings and political beliefs after the results of the election had been announced.
Damara Pratt, a student at Redlands University, attended the meeting and said she was disappointed to find other organizations had not come forth and proposed any course of immediate action. After speaking to a few students, Pratt said she found some had the same political beliefs as she did. Pratt took action the next morning by creating a Facebook page asking students to organize a protest who shared her political beliefs. In 10 hours, many students of Redlands University had organized a “March Against Hate” protest for that evening.
“I was encouraged by the response online, every few minutes more people were sharing the event and spreading the word,” Pratt said. “Our advertisement was completely through the internet and word of mouth.”
A total of 300 students arrived at 9 p.m. to the Redlands University campus with signs and megaphones.
“(The ultimate goal is to show that) Trump’s hateful rhetoric (that) targets their fellow students and members of their community will not be complacent in their oppression,” Pratt said.
However, not all of the protesters were anti-Trump protesters, but instead attended to protest the political discourse and hate people were aiming at each other.
“I didn’t go because it was an anti-Trump march, I went because it was an anti-hate March,” said Seth Flores, a protester. “It is important that the rhetoric is ‘love wins’ and not ‘(hate) Trump.’ Love will always win but only if we stay united.”
The protesters marched around the campus of Redlands University, chanting “more love, less hate” while onlookers observed from the sideline.
“I supported Trump during the election and I believe he can bring about change to this country,” said one observer of the protest. “He’s our president now I think it’s time we bring this political discourse to an end but I don’t know if more protests are the answer.”
Pratt said more events like this are in the works for Redlands University students that wish to organize and express their beliefs.