by Vivian Johnson on 2023-05-10

Omnitrans is pleased to announce the success of the agency’s Free Fares for School program, which offers kindergarten – 12th graders free rides to school and has provided more than 1,000,000 free rides for students since its inception, will be expanded county-wide for the 2023-2024 school year.

“We are grateful that SBCTA (San Bernardino County Transportation Authority) has decided to fund Free Fares for School for the next school year, given its use and the need for such an initiative in our region,” said CEO/General Manager Erin Rogers. “Omnitrans is pleased to do its part to build the next generation of transit ridership.”

The Free Fares for School program allows community members 18 and under unlimited rides on Omnitrans’ 29 routes with a current student ID card. The program was designed to allow students in Omnitrans’ service area to get to school, extracurricular and recreational activities, encourage school attendance, and promote equity. The expansion of the program will allow students to continue to use Omnitrans service, as well as Basin Transit, Mountain Transit, Needles Transit, and Victor Valley Transit Authority bus services.

To learn more about Free Fares for School, visit, and for more information on Omnitrans routes and services, please visit