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Louis Robidoux Parkland & Pecan Grove Community Meetings Announced

By Crystal Valenzuela
Community Engagement Specialist
01/11/2023 at 04:02 PM

The new year is bringing exciting new changes to Jurupa Valley. As residents enjoy the rapidly developing “community of communities,” many are equally excited to find a place to slow down: The Louis Robidoux Parkland & Pecan Grove. Previously known as the Louis Robidoux Nature Center (prior to its untimely destruction in the 46 Fire of 2019), the Louis Robidoux Parkland & Pecan Grove, or LRPPG, is managed by a collaborative of five local entities collectively known as the LRPPG Consortium. The Consortium consists of the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (SBVMWD), Orange County Water District (OCWD), Sunshine Haven Wildlife Rehabilitation (SHWR), Huerta del Valle Community Garden (HDV), and the Inland Empire Resource Conservation District (IERCD). All five partners are excited to announce two upcoming Community Meetings to gather information, ideas, and needs for a 25-year master plan for the site.

“We are so excited to be able to make Louis Robidoux Parkland and Pecan Grove Master Planning the very community-driven and community-centric process it should be,” said Mandy Parkes, District Manager of IERCD. “During its decades of operation, LRPPG meant so many things to so many people in Jurupa Valley and surrounding areas; now, those voices will be most critical as we plan on how to best restore the property to restore that magic for a new generation of visitors.”

The Master Planning Community Meeting process involves two opportunities for area residents and stakeholders to provide feedback on site priorities.  The first meeting will be held on Thursday, January 19th, from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the Louis Robidoux Library’s community room (located at 5840 Mission Blvd, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509). The second will be held Saturday, January 21st from 11-1 at LRPPG, 5370 Riverview Drive in Jurupa Valley, with an indoor “rain location” announced if necessary prior to the event. At both meetings, LRPPG partners will be facilitating discussion and recording attendee thoughts and ideas for new site features, including exhibits, programs, and site signage and infrastructure. Both events will feature food, drinks, and door prizes for attendees.  Community member attendance at both meetings is valuable but not necessary for participation.

Learn more and RSVP at